Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Hero of Aeneid and the Non-Hero of Dante’s Inferno Essay

The Hero of Aeneid and the Non-Hero of Dante’s Inferno Although Dante bases much of Infernos structure on the Aeneid, the central characters, the central voices in each, are used very differently. Dr. Andrew Bernstien, in his essay The Philosophical Foundations of Heroism, defines a hero as ... an individual of elevated moral stature and superior ability who pursues his goals indefatigably in the face of powerful antagonist(s). Because of his unbreached devotion to the good, no matter the opposition, a hero attains spiritual grandeur, even if he fails to achieve practical victory. And that ... the four components of heroism: moral greatness, ability or prowess, action in the face of opposition, and triumph in at†¦show more content†¦When Aeneas leaves the Sybils presence, after finding the golden bough, he finds that one of his crewmen has died Aeneas reactions befit a captain of a ship and reflect his loyalty to his crew who rely on each other to survive at sea. More importantly, the passage develops Aeneas by focusing on his actions. All who were there / Clamored around the body in lament, / Aeneas, the good captain, most of all (Virgil VI: ll. 252-254). Subsequently, when he meets his love in the underworld, the passage follows Aeneas strife: Aeneas with such pleas tried to placate / The burning soul, savagely glaring back, / And ears came to his eyes (Virgil VI: ll. 628-630). Even the act of savagely glaring back is reflexive, and is directed back at Aeneas. These passages develop the moral foundation that Aeneas holds, and argue that he is a m an of moral greatness. In addition to firm morals, a hero must hold onto them in times of conflict and display ability and prowess in their defense. Aeneas trip though the underworld may be the larger obstacle, but Virgil also puts in smaller obstacles which the main character must face and overcome. Aeneas must take the challenge even when faced with certain death, or he would betray the trust and loyality of his men and the will of the Gods. When Aeneas first begins his descent into the Underworld; he encounters, among other horrors, Centaurs, twin-formed Scyllas, hundred-armed /Show MoreRelatedDepictions of the Afterlife1060 Words   |  4 Pagestime; the idea of the Underworld continues in many Greek and Latin poems and it still used today (Spiegel). The best descriptions of the afterlife are found in Dante’s Divine Comedy. In his first book, The Inferno, Dante explores Hell, a place in which sinners dwell after they die. His account is mainly taken from Book VI of Virgil’s The Aeneid, which describes Aeneas’s journey into the Underworld to visit his father. 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